"We're all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." -Oscar Wilde
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Port Washington, NY, United States

Monday, January 29, 2007


So, I'm officially moving back to New York. The tentative move date is March 1st, but I will have specifics soon enough. Theo is making the move with me, and I'm really excited about that! In the meantime, I'm going to be very busy with work, packing, fixing the apartment, and making plans.

The last apartment I had in New York was infested with bed bugs. It was a one bedroom apartment in Port Washington. A doctor and his wife owned the house, and rented out both the upstairs and downstairs. After one night in that apartment, we called the wife with a complaint about bugs. She sent an exterminator, but the problem persisted. After several visits, many phone calls, and sleepless nights, we found out that the entire house (both floors) had bed bugs.

I'm sure that I can't think of a worse thing for a couple to deal with in regard to their first apartment together. Sometimes I think that this situation was the tip of the iceberg, but I stayed around for awhile longer. In the end, I lost quite a bit of my belongings, and (for awhile) the respect of my parents.

The couple who owned the house weren't phased. They put the place up for rent immediately after we left. We always talked about catching some of the bed bugs and letting them loose in the house they actually lived in. That never happened. Right? I threatened to write the papers, but I never did. My roommate signed an agreement that we would not take further action after he received the rent money back. He didn't receive money to get our belongings cleaned. He didn't receive money for anything but the rent.

Soon thereafter I moved to California where bed bugs are the least of my concern. I still get itchy in hotel beds, wondering if I'm going to take bed bugs home with me, but so far, I'm bed-bug-free! The upcoming move has me thinking about bed bugs again, but I will thoroughly inspect the new apartment before we move in... I hope.

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