"We're all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." -Oscar Wilde
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Port Washington, NY, United States

Saturday, September 24, 2011

How to bring it all together

I've been thinking a lot about my career. I used to believe I'd be a writer or a business owner (or, in a perfect world, both). But, alas, I'm a VP at a loss prevention company solving other peoples problems.

And so it goes.

To combat that, over the years I've tried to find ways to be creative at work, with writing, formatting, creating new methods to solve problems, providing interesting ways to display data, etc. I remember being 21 and talking to my then boyfriend about aesthetically pleasing code. Perhaps I was always more interested in functional approaches to art/design/workflow. It really doesn't matter though, because it turns out that I'm pretty good at my job.

I think I may finally have a few potential ways to work on something that binds what I love to do with what I actually do. Stay tuned.

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